The English language is full of terms relating to the Christmas holiday season, and though it may not be widely used, the letter X does have significant meaning when it comes to celebrating. Below we have compiled a list of letters, many with Greek origins, relating to Christmas and other fun words you can use for creating fun games when the family gathers for the holidays.

Here’s a list of Christmas words that start with the letter X, including their meanings:
X was a secret symbol used by Christians in the early days to indicate their membership in the church to others. The Greek meaning of X is the first letter of Chi, which is the beginning of the Greek word Christos, which means anointed and covered in oil. This term became Christ in English, so it is okay to use Xmas and Christmas interchangeably.
Example: My son hates that his birthday is so close to Xmas, and he feels he loses out on presents.
Christians sometimes use X to represent the word Christ, a secret symbol indicating their church members to others.
Example: Many people do not like using an “X” in the word Christmas, but after I learned the Greek meaning of X, it seems okay to say Merry Xmas.
When superimposed, XP is a form of a Christian symbol – Chi-Rho. X and P are the first two letters for the Greek word for Christ – ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ – and the monogram is also called a “Christogram,” representing Jesus Christ.
Example: The Chi Rho (XP) symbol has been used as a secret sign for Christians to identify themselves to one another, and I learned it precedes the time when Constantine used it.
Xristos (Χρίστος)
The Greek word for Christ also referred to as Christos, which was derived from an earlier word meaning anointed, which in Christian theology, it became the term for the Messiah.
Example: John learned a lot this year during Sunday School, including the Greek word for Christ – Xristos – and now that is all he says when referring to Christ at Christmas dinner.
A musical instrument with a row of wooden bars of graduating length that is struck by a small wooden mallet.
Example: Mom and dad immediately regretted buying my younger brother a xylophone for Christmas. Today, he has done nothing but play it, and it seems to keep getting louder and louder.
A copying process to make multiple copies by printing or copying a document using a xerographic process.
Example: My brother and I received similar gifts from our uncle; it was almost as if he had xeroxed our Christmas presents.
A woodcut or engraving, especially one used in items printed before Western tradition in the 14th century. It may also refer to a print taken from such a wood engraving or cut.
Example: My brother likes unique gifts, so this year, I bought him a xylograph kit to create his own wood engravings to make unique printed items.
An electromagnetic wave with a very short wavelength but high energy can pass through various materials, including those that are opaque to light. It can also be a photographic or digital image showing the internal composition of an object or body when the rays pass through it and are absorbed by another thing in different degrees and shades.
Example: My cousin was so curious about what he was getting for Christmas he joked he would take his presents to the hospital and ask for them to be x-rayed.
A commonly used utility knife with a very sharp blade that is easily replaceable.
Example: My Christmas presents had so many small parts that needed to be cut out; it was a good thing mom bought dad a new X-Acto knife to precisely cut the small pieces out for my new doll house.
Something or someone that is overly energetic or wild.
Example: The kids were so excited about their upcoming Christmas and winter break that they were acting xany in school. Because of this, the teacher decided to make it a free day so they could enjoy themselves and visit with friends before taking a break for two weeks.
The Greek word for dry, as in a withered structure, or it can mean nothing, such as the number before one.
Example: Growing up, we were always afraid to land on Santa’s naughty list because we feared waking up Christmas morning with Xero presents underneath the tree.
Having or exhibiting a golden shade that is shiny.
Example: The star on top of our family’s Christmas tree had a very xanthic hue, but when the lights turned on, it would change color as the lights on the trees gradually changed between colors.
A location that is very beautiful and dreamy, such as heaven.
Example: It felt as if we had left our small town and entered Xanadu when we stepped into the town square, which was beautifully decorated for the Christmas season.
The act of having an attraction or liking another’s positive aspects of their cultures and customs.
Example: Xenophilism has always been in my family, and every year for Christmas, we find a new culture and customs to learn about, especially how they celebrate the holiday.
A warm and cordial welcoming of others, including guests and strangers
Example: The town’s mayor provided a xenodochy during the community’s Christmas party, welcoming everyone who decided to join the party.
Someone who is respectable to foreigners and strangers.
Example: Susie is a xenophile and loves everyone she encounters, especially when she travels to New York for Christmas and meets a lot of visitors from around the world.
Someone who is overly eager to learn and try new things.
Example: My brother’s xanacious appetite led him to try mom’s Christmas dinner, and she made a turducken this year. I was not a fan of it, but he said it was tasty.
The act of being cordial, like a friend.
Example: Even though our family does not always get along, everyone’s xenial attitude is appreciated by grandma and grandpa when we gather for Christmas.
Being exceptionally brilliant.
Example: One of Santa’s elves is xaroncharoo, who is constantly tasked with creating electronic toys for the boys and girls every Christmas.
Fictional heroes in stories where they fight to bring peace to the world and among those they encounter.
Example: Since my brother’s favorite movies have the X-Men in them, this year, Santa brought him many gifts themed around these superheroes, including bed sheets, a comforter, and action figures.
A remark or expression to show extreme gratefulness.
Example: At Christmas time, it is always best to say “xiexie” to show appreciation for spending time with others.
An item presented to guests is meant to be a farewell gift.
Example: Every Christmas, mom has us put together small care packages to give to family as a xenium showing how much we appreciated them coming to visit.
A strong and self-assured woman.
Example: Even though mom typically acts like Xena when preparing Christmas dinner, she tends to freak out and worry about every little detail.
Having a hospitable and pleasant demeanor when interacting with others.
Example: He was very xenodochial, especially when he attended his wife’s employer’s annual Christmas party.
The ability to be able to speak a different language with ease.
Example: My cousin’s xenoglossy was developed from traveling to different countries, and when she comes home for Christmas, she often forgets she is with others who might not speak French.
Fictional fighters against the rebellion and are found in the storyline for many Star Wars stories, shows, and movies.
Example: My dad and brother are such big fans of Star Wars; this year, we gave them LEGO X-Wings for Christmas. There are thousands of pieces, which will keep them busy for hours, if not days.
The practice of politely instructing and guiding strangers.
Example: There was no worry when visiting the community’s Christmas light display because there was a xenagogy system in place to keep everything organized and running smoothly.
Christmas Words From A-Z
Here’s each list of Christmas words from the letters A to Z:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z