Christmas is an exciting time of year, and knowing the many words related to the holiday season can help with many fun, family-friendly activities. Kids will enjoy word-related fun activities, making crafts and Christmas cards using the words in this list. Several festive and Christmas-related words start with N, providing several unique experiences and activities for the family.

Here’s a list of Christmas words that start with the letter N, including their meanings:
Coming into existence for the first time or inception.
Example: During the nascence of video gaming systems, it seemed as if everyone had one on their Christmas wish list.
A large group of people united by a common ancestry, history, culture, or language, or can also mean a group of people inhabiting a country or territory.
Example: For Christmas, many people gather in the capital to watch the lighting of the nation’s Christmas tree; however, this year, we couldn’t make it, so we watched it on television.
Something that is related to a nation, or a nationwide tournament or competition.
Example: My dad’s favorite Christmas movie is “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” and he watches it yearly.
Is the status of belonging to a particular nation or being part of an ethnic group that forms part of one or more political nations.
Example: At Christmastime, it didn’t matter what your nationality was; everyone in the community gathered to light the town’s Christmas tree and participated in the food drive for the homeless.
A person who is born in a location and is associated by birth or a plant or animal that is indigenous to an area.
Example: Poinsettia plants, which are native to Mexico, are stunning and used by many to decorate for Christmas.
The occasion of a person’s birth, such as the birth of Jesus, or a picture, carving, or model representing the birth of Jesus.
Example: Mom has a beautiful nativity scene she puts out every Christmas, and she told me she and her sister hand-painted it when they were young.
Having lousy behavior or not doing something you have been told to do.
Example: Kids learn early that their naughtiness could result in getting coal in their stockings for Christmas.
The act of being disobedient or badly behaved, but can also mean being mildly rude or indecent.
Example: Santa continuously checks his Naughty and Nice Lists twice before heading out on Christmas Eve.
A place or thing that is neatly organized or kept tidy.
Example: Before putting the decorations on the tree, dad stacked them in a neat pile to help make it easier for us to pick them up when it was time to hang them on the Christmas tree.
To do something in a neat way.
Example: The Christmas presents were stacked neatly underneath the tree, waiting for our family to arrive so we could open them.
The part of a person’s body that is between the head and the remainder of the body.
Example: Every year, dad gets a new neck-tie for Christmas, and this year we found one with reindeer.
To require something because it is essential or very important to you.
Example: My brother said he needs a Playstation 5 for Christmas, but I wonder how much he really needs one.
A very thin, slender piece of metal with a hole (the eye) used to pull a string through fabric or other items.
Example: This year, for Christmas, I wanted to get some craft supplies, including cross-stitching materials and a needle.
An art or craft item made using needles and thread, such as cross stitching or embroidery.
Example: My mom’s needlework is always so beautiful, and everyone in the family looks forward to seeing what her annual Christmas creation will be.
A person who lives next door to or near someone.
Example: We have always enjoyed spending Christmas with our family and always invite our neighbor, who brings some amazing chocolate fudge.
A district or designated community set within a city or town.
Example: Our neighborhood is always beautifully decorated for the Christmas season, and it seems as if our neighbors like to compete to see who has the most lights out on their homes and lawn.
Plural than one neighbor, such as the people who live on either side of you on the street in a neighborhood.
Example: Our neighbors all decorated their homes for Christmas; it almost looked like our home was small, hidden in the shadows of their lights.
A newborn child who is typically an infant that is less than four weeks old.
Example: Jesus was born, making him a neonate, among everyone at the manger in Bethlehem.
A structure made by birds to be used for the lying of their eggs or the idea of placing items inside larger items.
Example: When wrapping my brother’s Christmas present, I bought a bunch of different-sized boxes and nested them inside one another to make the gift I bought him look bigger than it was.
A bird that is too small to leave its nest.
Example: Dad had to skip decorating the tree in our front yard this Christmas because a nestling was waiting for its parents to return.
A group or system of connecting things or people that are all interconnected.
Example: My mom is part of a network of other mothers who get together every Christmas to do a cookie exchange.
At no time in the present, past, or future did something occur.
Example: My brother was so sad about his behavior last weekend that he was afraid he would never get another Christmas present from Santa again.
Something that can be misleading but at the same time is accurate and true.
Example: The childish behavior of the elves were sometimes annoying, but nevertheless, Santa and Mrs. Claus always enjoyed their playfulness.
Something that was not existing before or was made, introduced, or discovered recently for the first time.
Example: This Christmas, we all purchased new ugly Christmas sweaters to wear during our family’s holiday dinner and gathering.
A child or animal that was recently born.
Example: My cousin’s newborn wore the cutest reindeer outfit to our family’s Christmas gathering.
Something or someone that is coming immediately after something in a sequence, rank, or order.
Example: Mom was excited to host this year’s Christmas celebration, but she was even more excited that I would be the one hosting next year’s gathering.
Something or someone who is pleasant, agreeable, and satisfactory.
Example: Santa’s nice list this year was longer than it ever had been, and if it wasn’t for his magical sack, he might have had to make several trips delivering Christmas presents this year.
The period of darkness during a 24-hour period, or the time between afternoon and bedtime.
Example: I could hardly believe it was Christmas Eve night and Santa would be here soon to leave presents under our tree.
The time when it is dark outside between the evening and the morning.
Example: The kids were upset it was nighttime, and they had to go to bed; otherwise, Santa might not have come and left them Christmas presents underneath their tree.
To belong to a hereditary class with high social status or ranking, such as an aristocrat or someone having fine personal qualities with high moral principles and ideals.
Example: Zack was very noble in how he acted, especially when he allowed his sister to eat at the adult table while he enjoyed Christmas dinner at the little kids’ table.
To have the quality of being noble, nobility, or grandeur.
Example: The prince didn’t care about his nobleness and wanted to enjoy Christmas in the town with the other citizens of his country.
The quality of being noble in character or by birth and rank.
Example: The English nobility knew how to celebrate Christmas and wanted to include as many people as possible in this year’s celebration and festivities.
Something that is done or occurs at night, or being more active at night.
Example: Santa Claus can be classified as a nocturnal person because he is most active when delivering Christmas presents overnight on Christmas Eve.
A term used to signify the holiday season and another word used for Christmas.
Example: My grandmother told me the story of the first Noel and how Christmas came to be as we sat in front of the fireplace sipping hot cocoa.
The direction where the compass needle naturally points, too, and is the direction along the horizon to a person’s left when they are facing east.
Example: Santa’s workshop is at the North Pole, where he lives with Mrs. Claus and his elves.
Situated in the north or directed toward or facing in a north direction. It can also mean someone or something that originated in the north.
Example: For Christmas this year, we will spend time together in a cabin in the northern region of the Rocky Mountains.
A sentimental longing, desire, or affection for the past that is typically a period in history or a place with happy personal associations and memories.
Example: I am intensely nostalgic for the former Christmas holidays and our family traditions, wishing I could travel back in time and relive the many exciting times we shared as a family.
A brief record of facts or a short informal letter left for someone.
Example: I left a note in my brother’s Christmas stocking explaining his present was delayed because of the snowstorm in Chicago, which delayed its shipment.
A small book, hard or soft cover, with blank or ruled pages that is used for writing notes in or keeping a journal of thoughts.
Example: I love to write, and everyone in my family knows it, which is why they bought me a bunch of notebooks for Christmas.
The plural form of notes, including the recording of facts, thoughts, or topics, that are written down to aid as a method to help aid in remembering something.
Example: Dad took lots of notes this year and was hoping to buy the perfect Christmas present for mom.
Something that does not exist or the absence of anything.
Example: Sadly, some people have nothing under the tree on Christmas morning, so we always make sure to donate presents to local charities or adopt a local family in need.
To provide someone with food and other substances to help grow, improve health, and maintain an excellent physical condition.
Example: Mom did everything she could to help nourish us in an attempt to help keep us healthy, even after eating a big Christmas dinner.
Food or substance that is necessary for proper growth and development.
Example: Mom made Christmas dinner healthy this year, ensuring it provided enough nourishment to keep the family happy and healthy.
The 11th month of the year falling after October and before December.
Example: November is the official month many people start decorating for Christmas and getting ready for the holiday rush.
A fruit consisting of a hard shell protecting the inner edible kernel.
Example: My favorite part about Christmas is the nut tray my mom puts out on the living room table. I love cracking the nuts more than I enjoy eating them.
An almost spherical seed from a tropical tree with a strong aroma that is often used for cooking.
Example: Mom forgot to buy the nutmeg which was needed to make her homemade eggnog for Christmas dinner.
A device typically made from wood and used as a decorative piece also serves as a method to crack nuts.
Example: My sister loves penguins, and this year for Christmas, I found her a nutcracker that looks like a penguin.
Devices used to crack nuts, often designed to look like soldiers with a level to open and close the mouth.
Example: My grandma had a massive collection of nutcrackers; she filled her entire home with them during Christmas.
Christmas Words From A-Z
Here’s each list of Christmas words from the letters A to Z:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z